75 school administrators to undergo 2-year leadership programme
By Dawn Chan – January 17, 2018 @ 3:43pm
– New Straits Times

PELABUHAN KLANG 17 JANUARI 2018. Timbalan Menteri Pendidikan Datuk P Kamalanathan bergambar bersama Pengarah Program YTL Foundation Datin Kathleen Chew (kanan), Pengarah CSR Hap Seng Puan Sri Maimon Arif (kiri) , Pengarah Negara Global School Leaders Malaysia Cherly Ann Fernando (tiga kanan) dan Ketua Pegawai Eksekutif Global School Leaders Sameer Sampat di Perasmian Program Rintis Global School Leaders Malaysia di Sekolah Kebangsaan Kampung Idaman. NSTP/ROSLIN MAT TAHIR.
– January 17, 2018 @ 3:43pm
PORT KLANG: Some 75 principals, headmasters and senior assistants from 24 primary and secondary schools in Kuala Lumpur and Selangor have been chosen to take part in the Global School Leaders (GSL) Malaysia programme.
The two-year pilot programme, aimed at providing continuous professional development for school administrators, will see them attending 11 workshops organised by GSL Malaysia, centred around themes such as leading people and improving their respective institutions.
The school administrators will also receive training that revolves around technology in classrooms as well as utilising technology for school management in a collaboration between GSL and FrogAsia, an advocate for 21st century learning.
Supported and funded by YTL Foundation, Hap Seng Consolidated Berhad and Tan Chin Tuan Foundation, GSL Malaysia was launched by Deputy Education Minister Datuk P. Kamalanathan at Sekolah Kebangsaan Kampung Idaman, whose headmaster and senior assistant were also picked to be part of the programme.
Also present were YTL Foundation programme director Datin Kathleen Chew, GSL chief executive officer Sameer Sampat and GSL Malaysia country director Cheryl Ann Fernando.
Kamalanathan said programme, emulated from the successful India School Leadership Institute programme but adjusted to suit our local approaches, is inline with the ministry’s vision.
“We want to provide school leaders with the needed skills, motivation and knowledge to help them transform their schools.
“I understand that the 24 schools chosen to be in the pilot programme consists of school leaders who are highly motivated and ready to pave the way for their schools’ success.
“This will assist the school leaders to improve their competency which will definitely benefit students holistically.
“The schools will receive positive impact from this where the generation of high performing students can be shaped and fulfil the nation’s aspirations.
“I am confident that the school administrators will be able to lead effectively and lead with their hearts,” said Kamalanathan.
Cheryl Ann said the GSL Malaysia programme took 10 months of planning and research.
“I am confident the schools under this programme will be able to learn and employ new strategies in hopes of improving student learning and teaching practices.
“It is also very heartening to see the enthusiasm of school principals, headmasters and senior assistants coming forward in an effort to strive to do better for their schools.” she said.